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How does it work?

Customization have 5 steps !
1) Type of Clothing
2) Specific Alterization or Dressing Problem
3) Confirming Details - Going through Payment
4) Customization
5) Receive your clothes

Customization Process

During the customization process, we have two checkpoints where you get to see your clothes being customized live!
1) Beginning of the process [ 0%-40% ]
2) Ending of the process [ 70% - 100% ]
During this two checkpoints, you are also able to give your input as you are in control of your life and the way you dress !

Start your customization journey now!

Want to get your own existing clothes to be customized? We got you covered! Fill up the form below so that we can get in contact with you and help you change the way you dress with your own existing clothes without needing to buy a new set of clothes.

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